Mis ofertas en resumen

Adiestramiento y entrenamiento para tu caballo de salto.

Puedes observar la capacidad de tu caballo y nosotros podemos ver lo que puede hacer, y lo que necesita para liberar su potencial y convertirse de un caballo de salto talentoso en un verdadero deportista y compañero de equipo.

El entrenamiento básico y sólido, de acuerdo a la escuela clásica de monta, es la base y guía para el trabajo diario de Melina.

A través de su experiencia y sensibilidad, Melina logra desarrollar el talento de un buen caballo a diferentes niveles de adiestramiento de manera responsable.


“Es un gran incentivo para mi sacar a lucir la capacidad completa de un caballo, observar el desarrollo y progreso, y acompañarlo activamente a través de su carrera competitiva en el salto”.

La individualidad es nuestra principal prioridad: Cada caballo es único y cada caballo obtiene la oportunidad de desarrollarse de acuerdo a sus posibilidades y con su propio estilo. Nosotros te enseñamos a reconocer el verdadero potencial de un caballo, proporcionando atención, entrenamiento orientado a metas y el deseo de éxito para desarrollar un talentoso y exitoso caballo de salto.


Confianza en nuestra capacidad y humanidad. Melina Schwaab y su responsable equipo internacional se aseguraran de que tu talentoso caballo de salto pueda entrenar y desasarrollarse como un talentoso deportista.

Garantizamos atención veterinaria de primera clase, acomodaciones ejemplares y alimentación individualizada dirigida a las necesidades de tu caballo.

Riding Lessons

Modern Coaching does not only include a goal-oriented trainings and Show plan, also the promotion of self-confidence and concentration , as well the mentale fitness of Rider and horses. We are standing  with full conviction behind the educational philosophy of the classical equitation and we will help you systematically to the successful realization of your goals.

Training stays in Europe

Riding Lessons - Clinics - Support at Shows

Especially for our foreign Customers we offer a full program Service

  • airport transfer/accommodation
  • individuell Trainingsplan for Riders and Horses
  • Training and Support at the best European Shows in the triangle of Germany-Belgium-Netherlands

We offer this services for individual customers, but also for equestrian Clubs who want to offer their members this opportunity to gather more experiences in the traditional heart of the equestrian sport. The visitors can enjoy the flair of prestigious Shows in an old European culture landscape.
The participation on an international Show in Europe is certainly a unique experience which increases the reputation of the Rider and the equestrian Club. In addition to the Showjumping Sport, we offer a professional training away from the hustle and bustle of the city
and a ride into a natural environment.

Marketing of your Showjumper

Two things are necessary for our work: Tireless perseverance and the willingness to give something , which you have put a lot of work and time in , back again.
With the help of our international network and our  market overview, we can place a horse correctly to find the suitable new horse owner. Here Melina will be  your partner who mediates between buyers and sellers and negotiates ideal conditions.

We think in the long term and are striving to find the right new Horse owner for your horse, because only a suitable Rider-Horse combination can form a harmonious unit in the future.

Coaching and Certification

In the Equestrian Club in China

We are  looking forward to support the development of the Equestrian Club
by professional management according to European standarts.
A needs analysis can help to close gaps and solve problems. We can help to find suitable experts, horses and equipment.
Often it is just the view from the outside, which can help to improve things
and raise the level in many areas.
So it is also an important goal of Melina to lead the riders to the German certificate.


You are looking for a horse that suits you and which you can grow together into the sport?
The skill of a scout is to correctly perceive the potential of a horse and to correctly assess the development that the horse can make together with his human partner. The horses are observed over a longer period and under different conditions.

  • Surroundings of the horse
  • Training and Competitions
  • Health status of the horse

We are based in a area where horse sport is lived and where the equestrian sport has a long time history.
That make it possible for us to be very close to all the big events in the European Equestrian Sport.

“For an objective assessment, the trustworthy cooperation with veterinary experts is very important , which support me in my work.”

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